
Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010


1. Borobudur

2. Danau tiga warna Kelimutu

3. Puncak Jayawijaya dan Carstenz

4. Prambanan

5. Pulau Bali

6. Pulau Lombok

7. Toraja

8. Pulau Gilis

Jumat, 18 September 2009

Avoid Highway Robbery by Using The New Crude--WATER

Engines waste gasoline! Up to 80% of the high-priced gas that you pump doesn't get you anywhere because it goes UNBURNED to the catalytic converter. That means you are getting 0 MPG (zero, zilch, nada) from most of the over-priced gasoline you pump into your tank.


That's what they are designed to do--WASTE GAS--because every second of every day, everywhere in the world, every single gas and diesel engine on the planet puts money into the deep, deep, DEEP pockets of Big Oil.

Automotive and fuel technology has been deliberately held back, and people have been kept in the dark about AMAZING inventions and discoveries, in order to sell us lots of gasoline. Sorry, but that's how it is.

For example, the gas could be preheated and better formulated for better combustion--but it's not. The fuel vapor droplets could be smaller for efficient combustion--but they're not. The pre-set computer-controlled air-to-fuel ratio could be more economical--but it's not. The exhaust could be reprocessed to contribute to mileage (there are patents on that)--but it's not. Cars could be using a better carburetor design--but they're not because the patent for a 100 MPG carburetor was bought and buried years ago. Cars could be running completely on water fuel--but they're not because those patents were also bought and then buried along with the inventor (however, the patents ran out recently!). Even the hybrids that Big Auto is selling at luxury car prices don't optimize gasoline combustion and consumption.


You can do something about it, ONE CAR AT A TIME, starting with YOUR car.

How? By using ENERGY from WATER.

If that sounds impossible, or crazy, or delusional, I understand. This is something that none of our trusted sources of information--TV, radio, teachers, movies, professors, magazines, dad, scientists, books, Sesame Street--have told us about. Why? See the bad news, above.

I mentioned amazing inventions and discoveries. Many of them have very sophisticated technical patents on them. But the kind of water energy system I am talking about, the one that is affordable and do-able by ME and YOU in OUR cars (not by buying a Big Auto hybrid with a luxury car pricetag), is a do-it-yourself technology, specifically designed for beginners with basic tools and very limited budgets. A working system can be built at home for $20 to $200 worth of parts and installed in your car, truck, or SUV on a weekend. It's a 90-year-old technology that has been revived and developed into a simple, affordable, SAFE system based on low-cost hardware.

It works like this: The main component of the low-cost water energy system is an electrolyzer-a container of water with electrodes in it. The electrolyzer takes a tiny bit of electricity from your car. The electricity "splits" water into hydroxyl gas and feeds it immediately to the engine cylinders. The improved air/fuel mix gets very efficient combustion.


Remember the bad news at the top? Remember I said that wasted fuel can be as much as 80%? In other words, even though you have paid $3.50 or more per gallon, you are only getting performance from as little as 20%--two gallons out of every ten--of the gas you pay good money for! It puts a whole new complexion on the phrase "highway robbery."

Our heads are spinning from rising gas prices. Now imagine instead that ALL your gasoline is working for you--it's actually turning your wheels and not just being turned into carbon deposits on your engine or exhaust from the catalytic converter. What would it be like for ALL that gasoline to be giving you mileage? It would be a WHOLE LOT MORE ECONOMICAL, that's what! That's what happens when you add the energy from water.


Wondering how much energy is in water?

One gallon of water converts to approximately 1,833 gallons of combustible gas. One observer noted that a gallon of water in his water energy system lasted for about 2,700 miles.

"Energy from water" is hard to believe because we are misled by the appearance of water when it's liquied. It looks so, well, WET and noncombustible. But if we could SEE the sea of energy in the water--zillions of hydrogen and oxygen atoms ready to break out and be combustible gas under the right conditions--it would be easy to conceive that, indeed, water can be "burned" in an engine, thus taking advantage of a new "crude"--plain water.

Why aren't scientists telling us about this? Why doesn't it make big headlines? More bad news. Some of them just don't know about it, and some are paid to tell us about anything BUT this. Also, scientists are sometimes far behind empirical evidence from experimenters and inventors. Sometimes a true scientist makes an amazing discovery and is suddenly way ahead of everyone. What happens then? He or she has to fight all the other scientists that are way behind or too vested in the old paradigm. So who are the true scientists around here? A TRUE scientist could be anyone, including a scientist.


Here is something to ponder from Patrick J. Kelly of He has a delightful way of tilting one's mind out of its box:

"The Law of Conservation of Energy is undoubtedly correct when it shows that more energy cannot be taken out of any system than is put into that system. However, that does not mean that WE cannot get more energy out of a system than WE put into it. A crude example is a solar panel in sunlight. We get electrical power out of the panel but we do not put the sunlight into the panel-the sunlight arrives on its own. This example is simple as we can see the sunlight reaching the solar panel.

"If, instead of the solar panel, we had a device which absorbs some of the energy that Quantum Mechanics observes and then gives out, say, electrical power, would that be so different? Most people say "yes!--it is impossible!" but this reaction is based on the fact that we cannot see this sea of energy. Should we say that a TV set cannot possibly work because we cannot see a television transmission signal?"


We have been living and driving with danger for decades--it's called GASOLINE! Cars and trucks are planet-polluting bombs on wheels! But we are accustomed to it, right? And for the most part, we don't blow ourselves up.

But in the water energy system, I know, you think we're talking about tanks of compressed hydrogen in the car, but that's not how it is done! Here's the beauty of it:

Hydrogen is already compressed in plain water!

All we do in a water for fuel system is UNCOMPRESS and USE it--immediately, on-demand, in the engine! No hydrogen bombs on board. Just a container of distilled water! And the exhaust is--WATER! You split water, you burn it, you get fantastic mileage, you get a little water left over.


You can't get much greener than this unless you go for an engine designed to run completely on water, like the one that was designed and proven by Stanley Meyers when he drove across the United States on approximately 28 gallons of water. (You can see interviews with him on YouTube.) You can't get much more affordable, either. And because this is GREEN technology, and you will not be causing any damage to the car or the engine (far from it), your warranty will most likely be intact AND the government will owe you money for going green!


You could pay someone to install your water for gas system. There are hundreds of people around the world who are constructing and installing water energy systems, as well as driving "watercars" themselves. These people save gas, save money, get much better mileage, and enjoy smoother-running engines and greatly reduced emissions. And that's why they are happy to do the same for you so you can save gas, save money, get much better mileage, and enjoy a smoother-running engine and reduced emissions.

Or you could do it yourself, in which case you would first get instructions, which are available on line. Then you would make a parts list and buy the parts from hardware and electronics stores. Third, you would construct the components of the water energy system, put them all together, and install the system, making all the necessary adjustments to it. You would now be the proud owner of a Water Hybrid Vehicle. And last, after picking up your jaw from the floor, where it has dropped in astonishment at your engine's mileage and performance, you would become an advocate of water energy, as I have.


To really grasp the implications and possibilities here, we must first clean the carbon deposits out of our minds. Using waterfuel is an approach to our cars and fuel that requires more participation from us. The whole water energy system consists of physical components PLUS your mind and attitudes about fuel consumption. To really optimize your waterfuel system, you will also be using fuel warmer, some Kiker wires to improve the spark, Xylene to add to your gasoline, a low-friction synthetic motor oil, a couple bottles of fuel treatment to clean carbon deposits from old unburned fuel out of your engine, a MAP sensor enhancer to keep the car computer from over-correcting the fuel mix back to over-rich, tires that are always fully inflated, and a real-time mileage tracker so that you won't have to use an entire tank of gas to know what mileage you are getting.

Perhaps the most important thing is this:

Trust yourself.

When you use an "alternative" fuel-efficiency system, you are an experimenter who is going against the herd and chances are, you are going to get some flack. Don't be fooled by self-appointed "experts" who don't have hands-on experience and say it can't be done. When they laugh or frown or condescend and say, "It's scientifically impossible," well, first of all, you know they are not "true scientists" (so why are they acting like they know what "scientifically" means?). Ask them if they have ever tried it themselves. You will find they have not. Further discussion might be fruitless, but you can try. Tell them to just wait and see. See for yourself. Don't wait ten years for big industry to do it because they don't want to GIVE you anything--they are only thinking about what they can GET from you while they continue making empty promises.



How much will gas cost the next time you fill your tank?

A water energy system won't lower the price of ALL gasoline.

It will lower the price of YOURS. But don't just take my word for it.

Leslie Lackman is an advocate of the application of free, unlimited energies--mind, water, life force--to cars, health, wellness, and performance.

Mazda BT-50 gets facelift

Mazda has given its BT-50 pickup truck a minor change and announced that the new model will help it achieve a total pickup truck sales of 12,700 in 2008, up from 11,000 units in 2007.

Produced at the AutoAlliance Thailand (AAT) plant in Rayong, the BT-50 is also exported to 130 global markets from Thailand. The facelifted BT-50 maintains its sporty appeal, with the new design adding a more dynamic and robust look.

There is a new front pentagonal grille, along with new front bumpers, multi-reflector headlights and turning lights. Meanwhile, the rear lights are larger and come with chrome trim. The side profile is highlighted by a new wheel fender kit, as well as 15-inch or 16-inch 5-spoke wheels. There are 11 colours to choose from as well.

Mazda Sales Thailand Co Ltd marketing director Sureethip La-ongthong says that the company will focus on two-wheel-drive pickup models this year. As much as 97 per cent of Mazda pickup truck sales are made up of two-wheel-drive models, while the remaining 3 per cent are four-wheel-drive models for fleet customers.

"Previously the ratio between two- and four-wheel-drive models was 85/15, but presently the popularity of thr four-wheel-drive models have grown," she daid.

Sureethip said the company will emphasize on the 4x2 2.5-liter and 3.0-liter models, with prices starting at Bt489,000 foi the standard cab and Bt541,000 for the Freestyle cab. The 4x2 Hi Racer starts at Bt602,900 and the 4-door model at Bt612,900.

Mazda is also planning to spend Bt20 million for a countrywide roadshow to 12 provinces from March to June. Caravans of the BT-50 and Mazda3 will be shown along with special activities including special stunt shows, concerts, games and prizes. Sureethip said the automobile market should finish the year at 650,000 units, and Mazda plans to sell 16,000 units, which is approximately 2.5 per cent of the market.

Car Powered by Water News

A car powered by water is a fact now. It has been a reality for several years. Over 70,000 Americans, 8,000 Australians and 5,000 Brits now have a car powered by water. Each of them has added an HHO kit to their vehicles themselves. It is incredibly easy to do and there is absolutely zero danger to the existing engine. Learn how.

(Author: Timothy Payn)

In fact an internal combustion engine with a hydrogen cell added has been shown to last twice as long as an engine powered solely by gas. There is actually a slight increase in the performance of the engine, so that is not an issue. Of course the big factor is that a car powered by water increases the efficiency of the engine and cuts gas costs in half.

Let me get straight what I mean by a car powered by water. Virtually all kits are an addition to the existing gas powered system. They are an add-on in the form of a cell containing an electrolyte which produces electricity and improves the efficiency of the gas engine. As things stand at the moment, a vehicle run entirely on water would be tortuous and is not yet really practical.

In an age where governments are becoming increasing worried (supposedly) about low carbon economies, resource conservation, carbon emissions and carbon capture, it seems incredible that so little attention is being paid to bio cars. Why is all the innovation being left to bright cookies who have come up with do it yourself guides? It beggars belief.

It doesn�??t really matter too much because get a good guide for converting your existing vehicle to a car powered by water and you can do it yourself for less than $300 without any technical expertise. I know, because I have already converted over 10 cars myself and I am certainly no mechanic. I have done each one at cost, but believe me, my friends would have been more than happy to pay 2 or 3 times that amount. They are all now happily saving from anything between $500 each year and up to $1800 a year on gas. Their cars perform better and their servicing bills are lower.

So what is the problem for the large manufacturers fitting hydrogen cells as an option on all cars? If it costs me less than 300 bucks to do it myself, surely they could fit HHO cells for a fraction of the price. It is not as if it is unproven technology. It is good for the environment, which everyone seems to spout as their main priority. It makes us less dependant on the supply of natural resources from foreign countries. It is great for the consumer because he or she spends less on running a vehicle.

Perhaps that is where the problem lies. Do you remember not so long ago the resistance to low-energy light bulbs? Manufacturers of standard light bulbs were horrified by the prospect. They were deliberately building in a low life expectancy so consumers would be forced to buy more of their product. Unfortunately, governments tend to support big business and ignore the concerns of consumers.

The same thing is happening with water fuel conversion. The technology exists but there is no will to push it forward. To be honest, it doesn�??t really matter if enough people are wise enough to take matters into their own hands and do it for themselves. It takes me about an hour and a half to do an HHO conversion without the need for any specific tools. So, get yourself a guide and make your own car powered by water today.

Methane gas

The remnants or the organic compound outcast that came from the crop or the animal will naturally fall apart, good resulting from the influence of the physical environment (like heat of the sun), the chemical environment (like with the existence of the other compound) or that was most general with the existence of the microorganism that was acknowledged as the microbe, good the bacteria or the fungus.

Resulting from the analysis of the organic matter that was done by this microorganism, then will be formed the substance or the other simpler compound (small), as well as once of the him have the shape of CH4 or methane gas.
Methane gas that gathered with CO2 or carbon dioxide gas that afterwards was mentioned biogas with the comparison 65: 35.

As the waste or straw that was processed to compost needed the condition for the certain foundation, likewise in the process of the modification of the waste or the outcast to biogas, needed the certain condition that be related to:
  1. 1.The content or the contents that was contained in the material.
    This was related to the value or the comparison between the C element (carbon) and the N element (nitrogen) that generally was known by the name of the ratio of C/N.
    The change in the organic compound from the waste or the waste of the pen to CH4 (methane gas) and CO2 (carbon dioxide gas) needed the condition for the ratio of C/N between 20 - 25.
    So as if using the material only had the shape of straw with ratio-C / N on 65, then although CH4 and CO2 will be formed, the comparison CH4: CO2 = 65: 35 will not be reached.
    Possibly this comparison was worth 45: 55 or 50: 50 or 40: 60 as well as other figures that less than that has been determined, then results biogas him will have the value burnt low or not all that filled the condition as the energy material.
    Also was the reverse if the material that was used had the shape of the waste of the pen, like from the waste of the goat with the ratio of C/N approximately 8, then the production biogas will have the comparison between CH4 and CO2 like 90: 10 or the other too high value.
    With this value then results biogas him was also too high thought bakar him, so as possibly would rnembahayakan the user.
    Another thing that must be paid attention to that is the ratio of C/N too high or too low will influence the process of the formation biogas, because this was the biological process that needed the condition for the certain life, like also humankind
  2. 2.The level of material water that was contained in the material that was used, also like the ratio of C/N must exact.
    If results biogas was hoped for in accordance with the current condition, then the material that was used had the shape of the waste of the dry goat was mixt with the remnants of second-hand grass food or with the other material that also dry, then was needed by the increase in water.
    But was different if the material that will be used had the shape of ditch mud that has contained the high organic matter, like from second-hand and reduction in the animal that was mixt with the waste.
    In his material has been contained water, so as the increase in water would not totalling to the dry material.
    Water played a very important role in the biological process of the production biogas.
    Meaning that should not too many (excessive) also should not too few (the lack).
  3. 3.The temperature while the process took place, because this was related to the living "happiness" of the processor bacteria biogas between 27� - 28�C. Dengan the temperature the process of the production biogas will go in accordance with the time.
    But was different if the value of the temperature was too low (cold), then time to become biogas will be older.
  4. 4.The presence of the processor body, or the body that had the capacity to untangle materials that finally formed CH4 and CO2.
    In the waste of the pen, ditch mud or the waste and straw, as well as other waste matters, many microorganisms, good the bacteria or the fungus pengurai these materials were obtained.
    But that became the problem was results of his analysis not necessarily to CH4 that was hoped for as well as had the capacity as the fuel.
    Then to guarantee so that the presence of the microorganism or the manufacturer's microbe biogas (generally was acknowledged as the methane bacteria), better be used the starter, that is the material or the substrate that inside could have been ascertained contained the appropriate methane microbe that was needed.
  5. 5.Aeration or the presence of air (oxygen) for the process.
    In the matter of the production biogas then air in no way was needed in the manufacturer's vessel.
    The existence of air caused gas CH4 will not be formed.
    So then the manufacturer's vessel biogas must in the situation was closed was in a meeting.
    Still had several other conditions that were needed so that results biogas in accordance with the condition.
    But the five conditions have been the condition for the foundation so that the process of the production biogas went as it should be.